A summer job that
shapes the rest of your life
Summer staff positions:
If you are a college student or a mature high school student interested in spending your summer sharing the love of Jesus with campers and guests, CrossRoads would love to meet you. Serving at CrossRoads will impact your life for years to come. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
The function of program staff is to minister directly to campers by leading scheduled elements and activities within the camp program and building relationships with campers. Responsibilities of the program may include leading Bible study, elements of worship, sports and games, arts and crafts, adventure recreation, etc. Most program staff will serve as cabin counselors during traditional camp weeks. Must be 17 by June 1, 2025.
The function of support staff is to minister indirectly with campers by serving in “behind the scenes” tasks that allow the camp program to run efficiently and effectively. Potential support staff duties include dish pit, trash runs, recreation setup, water station detail, and groundskeeping. Support staff can train and be scheduled to operate adventure elements such as high ropes, pamper pole, giant swing, and mountaineering components. Support staff must be 17 by June 1, 2025.
Both support staff and program staff can be lifeguards in addition to other roles. Lifeguards must be certified through an accredited program. Lifeguards must be 16 by June 1, 2025.
CrossRoads is looking for several staffers to work daily shifts in food service. Training is provided on site, and food service staff will be eligible to serve in other areas of camp life as schedule permits. Food service staff must be 16 by June 1, 2025.
Ready to apply?
Download and complete:
2025 Returning Summer Staff CrossRoads Application
2025 New Summer Staff CrossRoads Application
For questions regarding employment or to submit a completed application, please contact Kenny Daniel:
Year-round Positions:
CrossRoads is seeking part-time food service help from September – November and January – May. Hours are primarily weekends with a few weekday opportunities. During our summer camp programming June-August increased hours are available and most hours are weekday. Previous experience is not needed, as on the job training is provided. Offering quality food service is an important part of our summer camp and retreat ministry and CrossRoads works hard to create a caring and encouraging environment for our team. Apply here: Hourly Application.