church group camp
Details & information


CrossRoads church group weeks are designed for church or community groups to experience the summer camp program together. Groups stay in cabins together and churches provide their own adult chaperones.

In 2025 CrossRoads is offering:

July 14-18: Church group week for campers ages 8-17

*Chaperones may bring their own children under 8 with the understanding that not all camp programming is developmentally appropriate for their children’s participation.


One adult chaperone is required for every eight campers of the same gender. At least one chaperone over the age of 21 is requested for each gender of campers in your group. All chaperones must be 18 by June 1, 2025. Chaperones must complete a background check. Background checks can be run by your organization or ours.


Most church groups will be lodged in cabins, with one cabin per gender of campers assigned to the church. Each cabin has 16 camper beds (bunk style) and an attached room with two chaperone beds. Cabins have attached bathrooms with showers, toilets, and sinks.

In special instances based on the size/needs of the group and CrossRoads, a group may be asked to consider alternative lodging (hotel style, etc). This will be worked out with the group leader before arrival.


The cost to attend church group camp is $350/person. A non-refundable 10% deposit ($35) is required to reserve camper spots. Deposits are due March 15, 2025, or reserved spots will be surrendered. Church group weeks cap at approximately 150 participants. We do expect to reach capacity the week of July 14-18.

The registration cost covers lodging, food, all activities, and a camp t-shirt.

Campers may choose to bring money to contribute to the missions offering and to use at the CrossRoads Canteen.


CrossRoads is located on a remote campus in the Blue Ridge Mountains surrounded by the George Washington National Forest. Cell service is completely unreliable on our property. There are landlines at a couple of locations. Internet is available in the dining hall. We are anticipating stronger internet by summer 2024. The installation is progressing this winter.

Campers under 18 are not permitted to have the internet password. This is to establish a time of digital sabbath and to encourage the campers to be fully present at camp, to build relationships with one another, and to limit distractions from growing in their faith and relationship skills. Campers are expected to refrain from phone/electronics use during all CrossRoads-led programming. Adult chaperones will be provided the internet password and are asked to protect it carefully.

We recommend establishing a plan for adults in the church group to communicate a safe arrival to parents and to provide any check-ins throughout the week. We have found that limiting camper’s phone calls home lessens homesickness and allows them to truly engage and enjoy camp life more. However, we do leave it up to the discretion of the church group leader to set guidelines for camper communication with parents/guardians. Group leaders are asked to not allow camper phone calls home during mealtimes. Open camp time in the afternoon or church group time in the evening are the best times to utilize the phone.

Adults will be made aware of several locations around camp where walkie-talkie radios are stationed for communication with CrossRoads staff for needs that arise.

Health Center

A Registered Nurse is at CrossRoads throughout the camp week. Church groups may choose to have the camp nurse keep and distribute prescription medication or the church leader may maintain the responsibility.

If churches are maintaining possession of medication (prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins and supplements, etc) a container with a lock to store medication is required.

CrossRoads stocks many over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies (acetaminophen, Pepto-Bismol, Benadryl, sinus pressure and allergy relief, band-aids, etc) at the health center.

CrossRoads summer staff and full-time program staff have current certifications in first aid/CPR/AED. CrossRoads summer staff receive additional training on allergy sensitivities, Epi-pen use, and mental health first aid awareness.

Sample schedule

Sample Schedule:

2 pm – 4 pm: Check-in and settle into lodging. Music and games available in the field beginning at 3 pm.
4:15 pm: Gather in field to meet bible study groups
4:30 pm: Bible study for campers and adult chaperone meeting
5:30 pm: Dinner
6:45 pm: Opening Program & Worship
8:00 pm: Evening activity
9:00 pm: Church group time
10:00 pm: Camp wide quiet hours

8:15 am: Breakfast
9:30 am: Bible study for campers and adult chaperone meeting
10:45 am: Morning rotation
Noon: Lunch
1:15 pm: Rest/Reflection time
2:00 pm: Open camp
4:15 pm: Camper’s Choice
5:30 pm: Dinner
6:45 pm: Worship
8:00 pm: Evening activity
9:00 pm: Church group time
10:00 pm: Camp wide quiet hours

8:15 am: Breakfast
9:30 am: Morning Rotation
10:45 am: Pack up, load up, clean cabins
Noon: Lunch
1:15 pm: Closing Program
2:00 pm: Departure

Program elements:

Bible Study: Campers will be divided into Bible study groups based on age, and sometimes gender. At least two counselors will be assigned to lead each Bible study group. Adults will receive a copy of the Bible study, as well as a daily walk-through of the Bible study content at the adult meeting each day.

In 2024 we are not choosing a traditional “theme” for the camp week but are focusing our program on a strong camp experience with elements that throw back to a vintage camp vibe. Think of our Bible studies as a “basecamp” experience exploring foundational truths about God.

For the first three days we will be looking at Old Testament narratives that demonstrate God is good (Monday), God is faithful (Tuesday), and God is love (Wednesday). On Thursday we will consider how God’s goodness, faithfulness, and love culminate in the gift of Jesus. Just as Jesus called the disciples, Jesus is calling us to follow. As we leave on Friday campers will be challenged to share God’s goodness, faithfulness, and love with others.

Evening church group time: This is a time for church groups to connect, debrief the day, enjoy your favorite games together, just hang out, or even opt for an early bedtime.

Campwide quiet hours: Churches may decide lights-out times independently based on the needs/age of your campers. Please respect others’ quiet hours from 10 pm to 7 am.

Morning rotation: Each day campers will rotate through one set activity to give them a taste of camp. Possible activities include missions, crafts, sports and games, and teambuilding challenges.

Open camp: The swimming pool, field games, card games, the CrossRoads Canteen, and the gym are always available during open camp (weather permitting). Some days your group will have the option of certain optional scheduled activities such as high ropes, a hike, etc.

Camper’s Choice: Upon arrival campers will be able to select elective activities that appeal to them. Examples of camper’s choice activities include specific sports, outdoor life skills, climbing wall, theater games, art, etc.

Evening activities: Each night after worship, CrossRoads programs a light-hearted activity for campers. Examples of possible activities include glow party, staff talent show, carnival, movie night, etc.

CrossRoads Canteen: The camp store and snack shop are open each day during open camp for campers to purchase snacks, beverages, or camp merchandise. Snacks and drinks start at $1. Merchandise ranges from $2 (stickers) to $30 (hoodies).

Themed Thursdays: Groups are encouraged to come to breakfast on Thursday morning dressed in theme! This can be a collaborative attempt or an opportunity for your campers to show their individuality. Thursday, July 18 (church group week) the theme is vintage camp. Stumped? Pinterest and Google are full of ideas!